The Case for Longer Passwords: Why Length Matters
Longer passwords are more secure. Make the case for length: stronger passwords, better protection!
Longer passwords are more secure. Make the case for length: stronger passwords, better protection!
Don’t wait until it’s too late – find out if your password is secure now!
Don’t be fooled: forcing password changes won’t increase security.
Passphrases with 3 or 4 words are more secure than a password consisting of letters, numbers and symbols. These are examples of the most secure password type.
You need to be concerned if your account was in a data breach and you have reused your password, any of your life is in the cloud or you have not set up 2fa.
Password-related research has found that 46.3% of Americans use passwords of eight characters or less, which are less secure than longer passwords
Follow these rules & best practices for a strong, memorable password to prevent your accounts from being hacked by social engineering, brute force or dictionary attack
Too many people choose one password and use it on multiple websites. According to Infosecurity-magazine.com, 60% of credentials are reused across many accounts.
Seeing examples of long phrases and words to make passphrases that you will remember helps you make a password strategy that keeps your private data secure
ℹ Learn how to create strong passwords that will protect your online accounts from hackers. ➡ Click here and find out now!
Passwords need to be strong enough so they cannot be easily guessed, but you want them to be memorable enough that you can recall them when you need them