Authentication and User Recognition Without Explicit Login

User recognition without cookies or local storage This technique (to detect same users without cookies - or even without ip address) is called browser fingerprinting. Basically you crawl

Would it be possible for small businesses to use the same mechanisms that amazon and adsense use, to identify specific profiles as distinct and unique individuals?


Yes, it is possible to use mechanisms similar to those employed by Amazon and AdSense to identify specific profiles as distinct and unique individuals, enabling personalized advertising experiences. Both Amazon and Google utilize advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to track user behavior across various platforms and devices, thereby tailoring advertisements to individual preferences and browsing history.

Amazon’s Approach:

  • Unified Ad Marketplace (UAM): Amazon’s UAM is a server-side header bidding solution that facilitates auctions for ad placements on Amazon’s platform. This approach allows for efficient allocation of ad spaces to the highest bidders, optimizing revenue for publishers and providing targeted ads to users [5].
  • Programmatic Advertising Solutions: Amazon offers programmatic advertising solutions like Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM) and Unified Ad Marketplace (UAM) for publishers. These solutions leverage header bidding to increase revenue and efficiency in ad placement. While TAM is aimed at larger publishers with established relationships, UAM caters to medium-sized publishers, offering a managed service that simplifies the process of connecting with SSPs and managing ad auctions [5].

Google’s Approach:

  • AdSense and AdWords: Google’s AdSense allows website owners to display targeted ads based on the content and audience of their sites. AdWords, on the other hand, lets advertisers bid on keywords to display ads to users searching for those terms. Both services rely heavily on user data to deliver highly relevant ads [4].
  • Contextual Targeting: AdSense uses contextual targeting to show ads that match the content of the webpage, enhancing relevance and potentially increasing click-through rates. This method is similar to how Amazon identifies user interests based on their shopping behavior [4].

Considerations for Implementing Similar Mechanisms:

  • Privacy Concerns: Any system that tracks user behavior across multiple platforms and devices must comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Ensuring user consent and providing clear privacy policies are crucial.
  • Technical Complexity: Implementing sophisticated tracking and personalization systems requires significant technical expertise. Understanding user behavior patterns, developing algorithms for ad targeting, and integrating with various advertising platforms are complex tasks.
  • Data Security: Protecting user data is paramount. Implementing robust security measures to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access is essential.


While replicating Amazon’s and AdSense’s mechanisms for identifying unique individuals and delivering personalized ads involves overcoming challenges related to privacy, technical complexity, and data security, it is feasible for organizations with the necessary resources and expertise. Leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning can significantly enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by delivering highly relevant content to users based on their specific interests and behaviors.

Further reading ...
  10. [10]

Would it be possible to combine as many of these signals as possible in order to build a profile that could be used as a form of authentication? For example, could I set up a login function that a user wouldn’t even realize they logged into, because the system recognized them based on available signals like IP address, device type, browser, cookies, visited url history and so forth?


Combining multiple signals to build a profile for user recognition and potentially as a form of authentication is indeed possible, although it comes with its own set of challenges and considerations regarding privacy, accuracy, and implementation complexity. Here’s a breakdown of how this could be approached, drawing insights from the provided sources:

Techniques for User Recognition Without Explicit Login

  1. Browser Fingerprinting: This technique involves collecting information about the user’s browser, such as the browser type, version, installed plugins, screen resolution, and even system fonts. Each combination of these factors can be relatively unique to a particular device, allowing for user recognition across sessions [1].
  2. Device Fingerprinting: Beyond browser-specific details, device fingerprinting can include information gathered from third-party applications installed on the user’s device. This broader approach aims to create a comprehensive “fingerprint” that can identify a user across different contexts and platforms [5].
  3. IP Address Analysis: Although dynamic IP addresses can change, static IPs or consistent patterns of dynamic IPs (such as those belonging to a single household or organization) can serve as another layer of identification. Additionally, analyzing the geographic location derived from IP addresses can provide contextual clues about the user [1].
  4. Behavioral Patterns: Analyzing the sequence of pages visited, click patterns, and other behavioral cues can help distinguish between different users. Over time, these patterns can become quite unique to an individual user [1].
  5. Cookies and Local Storage: Despite the desire to avoid relying solely on cookies or local storage for authentication, these mechanisms remain effective tools for recognizing returning visitors. They can be used in conjunction with other methods to enhance user recognition [1].

Challenges and Considerations

  • Privacy Concerns: Relying on user recognition techniques raises significant privacy concerns. Users should be informed about how their data is being collected and used, and consent should be obtained where required by law [5][6].
  • Accuracy and Reliability: No single method is foolproof, and combining multiple signals does not guarantee perfect accuracy. Users may switch devices, browsers, or networks, leading to potential mismatches in the recognition process [1].
  • Implementation Complexity: Building a robust user recognition system that balances accuracy, privacy, and usability is technically challenging. It requires careful consideration of the data collection, processing, and analysis stages [1].
  • Future Browser Restrictions: With increasing scrutiny on user privacy, browsers are likely to impose stricter limitations on tracking capabilities, including fingerprinting and cookie usage. Developers must stay abreast of these changes to ensure compliance and adapt their strategies accordingly [5].


While it’s technically feasible to use a combination of signals for user recognition and potentially as a form of authentication, doing so effectively requires balancing user privacy, accuracy, and the evolving landscape of web technology. Developers must carefully consider the implications of each method and explore alternative approaches that prioritize user consent and privacy.

Further reading ...
  10. [10]

Would it be possible to store an identifier token in local storage and then triangulate the token against some other data point from some other source in order to securely identify a person while making it difficult or impossible for an attacker to hijack the token and use it themselves?

Yes, it is possible to store an identifier token in local storage and then triangulate the token against some other data point from another source to securely identify a person, making it difficult for an attacker to hijack the token and use it themselves. This approach leverages the concept of multi-factor authentication (MFA) where more than one verification method is required to authenticate a user. Here’s how it could work:

Storing Identifier Token in Local Storage

  • Security Risks: Storing tokens in local storage poses risks, especially to XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks. An attacker could execute malicious scripts to steal the token from local storage [2].
  • Mitigation Strategies: To mitigate the risk, it’s crucial to sanitize input and output to prevent XSS vulnerabilities. Additionally, implementing Content Security Policy (CSP) headers can help reduce the risk of XSS attacks by restricting the sources from which scripts can be loaded.

Triangulating Against Other Data Points

  • Using Additional Identifiers: Besides the token, you could use other data points such as IP address, device fingerprinting, or behavioral patterns to further authenticate the user. This creates a layered defense where compromising one factor (the token) does not grant full access [1].
  • Server-Side Verification: Even though the token is stored client-side, its validity should be verified server-side with each request. This ensures that the token is still valid and hasn’t been revoked or stolen. The server can also check the additional data points to confirm the identity of the user [2].

Example Implementation

// Store the token in local storage
localStorage.setItem('authToken', 'yourAuthToken');

// Retrieve the token
const authToken = localStorage.getItem('authToken');

// Example function to verify the token server-side
function verifyToken(token) {
    // Perform server-side checks (e.g., validate token, check additional data points)
    // Return true if valid, false otherwise

// Use the token for authentication
if (verifyToken(authToken)) {
    console.log("User authenticated");
} else {
    console.log("Authentication failed");


While storing an identifier token in local storage and triangulating it against other data points can enhance security, it’s essential to implement robust security measures to protect against common web vulnerabilities like XSS. Additionally, verifying the token and other data points server-side is crucial to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the user’s identity. This approach, while not foolproof, adds layers of security that make it harder for attackers to hijack user identities.

Further reading ...
  10. [10]

What are some specific techniques for device fingerprinting that could be used alongside the token?

To enhance security and user recognition, combining device fingerprinting techniques with a stored identifier token can offer a robust authentication mechanism. Here are specific techniques for device fingerprinting that could be used alongside the token:

1. Cookie Hash

  • Description: A cookie hash is a unique identifier generated for each browser session, created from cookies that websites store locally to remember user details. These hashes obscure the actual content of the cookies, protecting sensitive information like passwords and personal data [3].
  • Usage: Cookie hashes can be used to track user sessions and identify returning visitors. By hashing cookies, you can maintain user sessions without exposing sensitive information, adding a layer of security to the authentication process.

2. Browser Hash

  • Description: A browser hash serves as a unique identifier for a user’s browser, incorporating details such as the browser type and version, installed plugins or extensions, HTML5 canvas size, and the audio processor being used [3].
  • Usage: Browser hashes allow for the identification of both the browser and the user, distinguishing between multiple users accessing a website from the same browser. This can be particularly useful for preventing fraud and enhancing user experience by personalizing content.

3. Device Hash

  • Description: A device hash, also known as a hardware hash, captures critical information about a device and its user, such as the operating system, hardware components like the GPU, screen properties, and local date and time [3].
  • Usage: Device hashes serve as a digital fingerprint for the device, uniquely identifying each hardware configuration. This can aid in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities by establishing connections between seemingly disparate users.

4. Mobile Device Fingerprinting

  • Description: Similar to browser fingerprinting, mobile device fingerprinting identifies individual devices based on a unique combination of hardware and software attributes, such as the device’s operating system, browser type, and screen resolution [2].
  • Usage: Mobile device fingerprinting is beneficial for recognizing returning devices, enhancing user experience through personalization, and improving fraud detection mechanisms by identifying devices exhibiting suspicious behavior.

Combining Techniques

By combining these techniques with a stored identifier token, you can create a multi-layered authentication system. For instance, the token could be used to initiate a session, while device fingerprinting provides additional verification steps. This approach enhances security by requiring multiple forms of identification, making it more challenging for attackers to hijack user identities.

Example Implementation

// Assuming you have a function to generate a device hash
function generateDeviceHash() {
    // Collect device information and generate a unique hash
    return "unique_device_hash";

// Generate a device hash and store it alongside the token
const deviceHash = generateDeviceHash();
localStorage.setItem('deviceHash', deviceHash);

// Verify the device hash server-side during authentication
function verifyDeviceHash(deviceHash) {
    // Compare the stored device hash with the incoming hash
    // Return true if they match, false otherwise

// Use the token and device hash for authentication
if (verifyToken(authToken) && verifyDeviceHash(deviceHash)) {
    console.log("User authenticated");
} else {
    console.log("Authentication failed");

This approach, while not infallible, adds significant layers of security by leveraging the uniqueness of device attributes and the difficulty in reproducing these attributes, thus making it harder for attackers to impersonate legitimate users.

Further reading ...
  9. [9]